Process of apply Ireland Student Visa Requirements

ireland student visa requirements

Have you decided to pursue your education in Ireland? You are going to need a student visa. Well, we have a list prepared to prepare you for your visa journey. Keep on reading to know which visa to apply for, how to apply, requirements of Ireland Student Visa, benefits, and more!

Thanks to flexible immigration regulations and ample career possibilities, Ireland is increasingly becoming a preferred study location among international students. You must obtain the Ireland Study Visa if you intend to pursue a degree in Ireland.

Do you need a Ireland student visa?

Before diving to the application process and visa requirements, you need to confirm if you even need a Ireland student visa.

You do not require an Ireland study visa if you are from the EU/EEA, Switzerland, or one of the nations on this list!

However, you will need to apply for it if you do not meet the prerequisites listed above.


What kind of visa do you require?

Depending on how long your course will last, you need apply for a specific sort of Ireland study visa.

  • In case your course duration is fewer than 90 days, you’ll have to apply for a ‘C Study Visa.’

  • You must apply for a "D Study Visa" if you want to attend an Irish university for longer than 90 days.

Once you know which type of visa you require, you can visit the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) website and start your application process!


How can you apply for an Irish student visa?

The complete application process for a student visa to Ireland is done online.

However, because to the extensive processing times for Ireland student visas, we advise applying for the visa three months before your intended departure date.

Here are the steps:

  • Head to this link ( on the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service (INIS) website. 

  • Click on ‘Continue,’ 

  • Then click on ‘AVATS Online Application Form” option. 

  • Complete the form for a visa, print it, then sign and date it.

  • Add your supporting documents and submit them with the application as per the directions on the form.

  • Additionally, you could be required to submit biometric data as part of the application process.

  • When you're finished, you'll be required to pay 60 pounds to Ireland for student visa fees.

  • Wait for at least 8 weeks - the typical Ireland Student Visa processing time – for your application to get approved 

  • Post approval buy your flight tickets.


Let's look at the list of supporting documents you need to gather for your application now that you know how to apply for a 

Ireland Student Visa


Requirements for your Ireland student visa`

Your completed, date-signed summary application form and the necessary costs for an Ireland student visa

  • Two recent passport-sized photos, no older than six months

  • A complete copy of each of your previous passports and your current passport

  • A letter of application that is signed and includes all of your contact information and explains why you want to visit Ireland

  • Letter of acceptance from the college stating that you have been admitted and enrolled in a programme requiring at least 15 hours of scheduled daytime instruction per week in order to be considered for graduation

  • Proof that takes into account any gaps in your educational history

  • Proof that fees have been paid to the college

  • Proof that you possess the academic skills necessary to succeed in your chosen course

  • Proof of your English proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL scores)

  • You must demonstrate that you have the resources necessary to support yourself during your stay in Ireland without using public funding or depending on temporary work.

  • Personal Health Insurance

  • You must also disclose any previous visa rejections you may have received for any nation.

All these documents must be original, as noted on the INIS website. It's best to retain copies of the paperwork with yourself while waiting for them to be returned to you.


How to check the status of your visa?

  • Using your visa application number, you may check the status of your application for an Ireland visa online to see if it has been accepted. Every week, this list is updated.

  • The Irish Embassy office will affix your visa to your passport if it is approved.

  • If your visa application is rejected, you have two months to appeal the decision.


Show up for your appointment

Keep in mind below below-mentioned pointers for the appointment date of your Ireland student visa application.

  • Plan to get to the visa application center 15 minutes early on the day of your appointment.

  • Bring your necessary paperwork.

  • You will receive a token when you arrive at the visa application center. Wait to submit your application till your token is called.

  • You will receive an acknowledgment receipt after the visa application procedure is finished.


Choose whether you want your documents delivered to you by mail or picked up in person at the visa application center.


What happens when you get your visa?

Booking your flights and accommodation should be your priority after receiving your visa.

Following that, before traveling to and residing in Ireland, you should bear the following in mind:

  • Be ready for border inspection. When you arrive, an immigration official at border control will ask you to provide documentation demonstrating that you have a legitimate cause for entering Ireland. You will need to have your passport, visa, and evidence that you have registered for a course on hand for this.

  • Register with immigration and request permission to stay. After entering Ireland, be sure to register with immigration and request permission to stay before the date written on your passport at border control. You can be ordered to leave the country if you don't comply.

Having said that, you will not be able to live in Ireland in the same manner you do at home with this visa. Therefore, let's look at what you can do with it.


What to do with your Ireland student visa?

With a student visa, you can enter Ireland and do the following things:

  • For the duration of your program, reside and study in Ireland.

  • Work 40 hours per week, full-time, during June, July, August, and September. The remaining months of the year, work 20 hours per week, part-time.

  • After completing your education, you might even be permitted to work in Ireland under particular conditions 

Additionally, it's crucial to remember what you can't do with an Ireland student visa.

  • Generally speaking, students cannot bring their families to Ireland.

  • You can't go to the UK or Northern Ireland, and

  • Without a current multiple-entry visa, you will not be permitted to leave Ireland for a brief length of time and return.

Your study visa will serve as a travel document for you while you are in Ireland, and we strongly advise you to take it with you whenever you leave the house.


How long will your visa remain in effect once you graduate?

You are only permitted to stay in Ireland while on a student visa for the duration of your graduation.

However, you can apply for a work permit through the Third Level Graduate Program to stay and work.

Depending on your graduation scores and the pay you have been offered, this will enable you to remain in Ireland for a period of 12 to 24 months. Remember that language and non-degree students are not eligible for the Third Level Graduate Programme; it is only open to STEM graduates.


What happens if your application for a visa is rejected?

If in any case your visa application is rejected, then colleges refund your tuition fee. Only a small amount of the application fee is deducted, the rest all in your account. 


Final thoughts

Well! You now have a thorough grasp of the requirements for an Ireland student visa, how to apply for one, and what to do after you obtain one.

Please feel free to contact us or leave a comment if you think we missed anything or have any questions.

We'd be delighted to assist you!




