Top Scholarships for Indian Students in Canada

scholarships for indian students in canada

Many scholarships are offered by Canadian universities and colleges to help deserving Indian students pay for their education. Besides that, a number of scholarships, grants, and fellowships are provided by the Canadian government and other public and private organizations. Before submitting an application for any of these scholarships, make sure you are eligible and that you meet the requirements.

Most scholarships for Indian students to study in Canada demand a respectable GPA, but other factors, such as your preferred location, subject, and level, may also be taken into consideration. You may be able to use your extracurricular activities and volunteer work to your advantage for some scholarships. So, a student can check for the various international scholarships for Indian students in Canada offered on this blog and make the process of studying in Canada easier.


What kinds of scholarships are available to Indian students in Canada?

Indian students can apply for the following forms of scholarships to study there:

  • Scholarships that are supported by the Canadian government: These are the ones that offer grants to entice students to study in Canada.

  • Non-government scholarships: Several trusts, charities, and associations provide grants to students pursuing a particular field of study.

  • Institutional scholarships: Universities and colleges provide Indian students with financial aid to study in Canada.


In Canada, different universities offer varying amounts and types of grants. It is possible to receive a scholarship, therefore students should apply early. Typically, a student should start the scholarship application process 8 to 12 months prior to the commencement of the selected intake.


1. Government Funded Scholarships

Indian students can manage their tuition fees in Canada easily thanks to a variety of government-funded scholarships for studying in Canada. The following awards are available:



2. Non-Government Scholarships

In Canada, non-governmental organizations provide scholarships for Indian students who wish to enroll in a particular subject. They pay for the expense of tuition, travel, health insurance, accommodation, and recurrent payments.




3. Institutional Scholarships

Many criteria must be met in order to be eligible for an institutional scholarship to study in Canada, and international students must confirm their eligibility and the deadline before applying for any scholarship. Institutional scholarship includes the following.


Being awarded a scholarship for an Indian student studying in Canada is highly competitive, therefore be mindful of the deadlines. Besides scholarships, there are additional ways to pay for your education in Canada. Because studying in Canada is a goal for many students, it is always wise to have backup plans rather than relying solely on one.

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